Attendees will each register for one of the four workshop tracks. Each track offers three sessions on the topic selected.
Conflict Resolution
Michael Van Dyke, Pete Potloff
One of the most common challenges people seek counseling for is conflict resolution. Wherever relational conflict exists—whether at home, at church, or at work—we often find it difficult to discern the path to resolution. In this track, we will consider the biblical explanation for why conflict exists, learn about the different types of conflict, and explore practical steps you can take toward resolving conflict in any relationship.
Counseling Care in the Church
Shauna Van Dyke, Emily Dempster
We are all made to minister to one another. As a pastor, lay counselor, mentor, Bible study leader or friend, join us as we explore and develop practical skills for one-another ministry and cultivating a culture of care within your church. Together we will discuss a theology and practical application of care in the church, develop skills and compassionate listening, and learn to care like Jesus by providing encouragement through Scripture. This workshop will be informative, relational and interactive…don’t miss out!
Gender and Identity
Jonathan Holmes, Josh Conwell
The landscape of gender and identity is ever-changing. Squarely in the middle of that reality lies the unchanging truth of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ. In this track, you will be equipped with a robust understanding of the identity formation process, the landscape of gender identity issues, and how to move toward others with wisdom and compassion.
Understanding Emotions
Andrew Dealy, Beth Claes
Everyone experiences emotions every day, yet explaining what they are, why they exist, and identifying what purposes they serve is no easy task. In this track, we will address these questions by exploring the nature of emotions and what it means for us to be image-bearers of our passionate God. We will learn how emotions reveal the stories we believe about ourselves and the world we inhabit. We will discover how emotions can be changed, and we will grow in our ability to handle emotions like anxiety, depression, and fear from a biblical perspective.