Resource Room Books


Accepting God’s Forgiveness: Believing in God’s Love for You; C. John Miller

A.D.D.: Wandering Minds and Wired Bodies; Edward T. Welch

Anger: Escaping the Maze; David Powlison

Chronic Pain: Living By Faith When Your Body Hurts; Michael R. Emlet

Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down; Edward T. Welch

Domestic Abuse: How to Help; David Powlison, Paul David Tripp, and Edward T. Welch

Domestic Abuse: Recognize, Respond, Rescue; Darby A. Strickland

Eating Disorders: The Quest for Thinness; Edward T. Welch

Forging a Strong Mother-Daughter Bond: Beyond Manipulation and Control; Leslie Vernick

Forgiveness: “I Just Can’t Forgive Myself!”; Robert D. Jones

Grieving a Suicide: Help for the Aftershock; David Powlison

Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder; Christine Chappell

Help! My Friend Is Suicidal; Bruce Ray

Helping a Hurting Friend; Garrett Higbee

Helping Your Anxious Child: What to Do When Worries Get Big; Julie Lowe

Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love; Edward T. Welch

I Just Want to Die: Replacing Suicidal Thoughts with Hope; David Powlison

“Just One More”: When Desires Don’t Take No for an Answer; Edward T. Welch

Marriage: Whose Dream?; Paul David Tripp

Motives: “Why Do I Do the Things I Do?”; Edward T. Welch

OCD: Freedom for the Obsessive-Compulsive; Michael R. Emlet

Pornography: Slaying the Dragon; David Powlison

Pre-Engagement: 5 Questions to Ask Yourselves; John Yenchko & David Powlison

Recovering from Child Abuse: Healing and Hope for Victims; David Powlison

Self-Injury: When Pain Feels Good; Edward T. Welch

Sexual Sin: Combatting the Drifting and Cheating; Jeffrey S. Black

Single and Lonely: Finding the Intimacy You Desire; Jayne V. Clark

Single Parents: Daily Grace for the Hardest Job; Robert D. Jones

Stress: Peace amid Pressure; David Powlison

Suffering: Eternity Make a Difference; Paul David Tripp

Suicide: Understanding and Intervening; Jeffrey S. Black

Teens & Sex: How Should We Teach Them?; Paul David Tripp

The Problem with Masturbation: It’s All About Me; Winston T. Smith

When Children Experience Trauma: What to Do When Something Scary Happens; Darby Strickland

“Why Me?”: Comfort for the Victimized; David Powlison

Worry: Pursuing a Better Path to Peace; David Powlison


The Gospel for Real Life books & Resources for Biblical Living books

Abuse: Finding Hope in Christ; John Henderson

Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure; Robert W. Kellemen

Bitterness: The Root that Pollutes; Lou Priolo

Borderline Personality: A Scriptural Perspective; Cathy Wiseman

Burnout: Resting in God’s Fairness; Brad Hambrick

Cutting: A Healing Response; Jeremy Lelek

Depression: The Sun Always Rises; Margaret Ashmore

God’s Attributes: Rest for Life’s Struggles; Brad Hambrick

Grief: Learning to Live with Loss; Howard A. Eyrich

In-Laws: Married with Parents; Wayne A. Mack

Manipulation: Knowing How to Respond; Lou Priolo

Motherhood: Hope for Discouraged Moms; Brenda Payne

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Recovering Hope; Jeremy Lelek

Romantic Conflict: Embracing Desires That Bless Not Bruise; Brad Hambrick

Self-Centered Spouse: Help for Chronically Broken Marriages; Brad Hambrick

Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes; Robert W. Kellemen

Temptation: Applying Radical Amputation to Life’s Sinful Patterns; Jay E. Adams

Vulnerability: Blessing in the Beatitudes; Brad Hambrick


31-Day Devotionals for Life

Addictive Habits: Changing for Good; David R. Dunham

Anxiety: Knowing God’s Peace; Paul Tautges

Contentment: Seeing God’s Goodness; Megan Hill

Doubt: Trusting God’s Promises; Elyse Fitzpatrick

Fearing Others: Putting God First; Zach Schlegel

Forgiveness: Reflecting God’s Mercy; Hayley Satrom

Grief: Walking with Jesus; Bob Kellemen

Hope: Living Confidently in God; John Crotts

Marriage Conflict: Talking as Teammates; Steve Hoppe

Pornography: Fighting for Purity; Deepak Reju

Singleness: Living Faithfully; Jenilyn Swett

Toxic Relationships: Taking Refuge in Christ; Ellen Mary Dykas


Other Books

31 Days of Praise: Enjoying God Anew; Ruth Myers

A Gospel Primer; Milton Vincent

Catching Foxes: A Gospel-Guided Journey to Marriage; John Henderson

Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy; Mark Vroegop

From Pride to Humility; Stuart Scott

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses; Robert Kellemen

Journey; Laura Chica

The Emotionally Destructive Marriage; Leslie Vernick

The Emotionally Destructive Relationship; Leslie Vernick

The Red Sea Rules; Robert J. Morgan