Mental Health – A Biblical View and Response

Presented by Dr. Andrew Kenagy, January 27, 2022

Christianity and Psychology – Mental Health Topics for Biblical Counselors slide presentation


Bipolar Disorder

Articles and Printable Resources:

Unpacking “Bipolar Disorder”, Association of Biblical Counselors

Bipolar Disorder:  Manic Episode Criteria, Association of Biblical Counselors

Bipolar Disorder:  Major Depressive Episode Criteria, Association of Biblical Counselors

Recommended Books:


Mental Health Diagnoses

Articles and Printable Resources:

Unpacking Diagnoses:  An Important Disclaimer, Association of Biblical Counselors

What is the DSM-IV?, Association of Biblical Counselors

Recommended Books:


Mental Health Disorders

Articles and Printable Resources:

Recommended Books:



Articles and Printable Resources:

A Plan and a Path for OCD, Part 1, Pat Quinn

A Plan and a Path for OCD, Part 2, Pat Quinn

A Plan and a Path for OCD, Part 3, Pat Quinn

Scrupulosity: When Doubts Devour, Michael R. Emlet


Articles and Printable Resources:

Recommended Books: